라벨이 Download인 게시물 표시

Download laysim-NOELV, laysim-GR740, laysim-GR712RC, and laysim-UT700

Currently the evaluation version of laysim-NOELV (RISC-V/RV64G, quad core),  laysim-GR740  (quad core),  laysim-GR712RC  (dual core), and  laysim-UT700  can be downloaded.  All  laysim  support Windows and Linux x64 platform including CentOS 7/8, Ubuntu 18.04/22.04, openSUSE 12/15 and Debian 10.3. Limitation of laysim The evaluation version of laysim  does not have any execution limitation except acquiring 1 year free license as described in user's manual Chapter 2.2.  KARIDRIVE has been down for a long time due to security issues. If you need laysim, please send an email to jwchoi@kari.re.kr .