2월, 2020의 게시물 표시

Download laysim-NOELV, laysim-GR740, laysim-GR712RC, and laysim-UT700

Currently the evaluation version of laysim-NOELV (RISC-V/RV64G, quad core),  laysim-GR740  (quad core),  laysim-GR712RC  (dual core), and  laysim-UT700  can be downloaded.  All  laysim  support Windows and Linux x64 platform including CentOS 7/8, Ubuntu 18.04/22.04, openSUSE 12/15 and Debian 10.3. Limitation of laysim The evaluation version of laysim  does not have any execution limitation except acquiring 1 year free license as described in user's manual Chapter 2.2.  KARIDRIVE has been down for a long time due to security issues. If you need laysim, please send an email to jwchoi@kari.re.kr .

laysim Processor Emulator for GR740, GR712RC, UT700 and more..

I'm Jong-Wook Choi from KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute). I'm an on-board flight software engineer in KARI. I've developed the flight software for KOMPSAT-2/3/5/3A, CAS-500 and GEO-KOMPSAT-2A/2B. Currently I involve in developing of the flight software for KOMPSAT-6/7/7A, and KPLO (Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter). For many years, flight software (FSW) has been developed and verified using the software test bed (STB) environment based on the real hardware in KARI. During the development of FSW on the STB, we have experienced lots of annoying problems such as delayed deliver of target hardware, limited concurrent access to the STB from software engineers, and the time and cost to create multiple STBs for different satellites. Thus, software-based satellite simulators have been developed from the beginning of a satellite project to avoid these issues. The software-based simulator enables the FSW to be developed concurrently with the satellite hardware from the in...