laysim Processor Emulator for GR740, GR712RC, UT700 and more..
I'm Jong-Wook Choi from KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute). I'm an on-board flight software engineer in KARI. I've developed the flight software for KOMPSAT-2/3/5/3A, CAS-500 and GEO-KOMPSAT-2A/2B. Currently I involve in developing of the flight software for KOMPSAT-6/7/7A, and KPLO (Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter).
For many years, flight software (FSW) has been developed and verified using the software test bed (STB) environment based on the real hardware in KARI. During the development of FSW on the STB, we have experienced lots of annoying problems such as delayed deliver of target hardware, limited concurrent access to the STB from software engineers, and the time and cost to create multiple STBs for different satellites. Thus, software-based satellite simulators have been developed from the beginning of a satellite project to avoid these issues.
The software-based simulator enables the FSW to be developed concurrently with the satellite hardware from the initial phase of a project. It simulates the on-board computer (OBC), I/O modules, avionics and payloads. It can easily be deployed and adapted when changing hardware configurations and supports debugging and testing of the FSW. Moreover, the FSW can be loaded into a simulator without any modifications and tested faster than when using the real hardware. The processor emulator is one of the essential parts in a satellite simulator, emulating guest processors such as the ERC32 and LEON2/3, the most dominant processors in space applications.
laysim is the our processor emulator which I've developed since 2005. It supports the ERC32, AT697F, LEON3, UT700, GR712RC (dual core) and GR740 (quad core) processors individually. laysim consists of two types of emulators; laysim-interpreter and laysim-DBT. laysim-interpreter is a GUI-based cycle-accurate emulator for processors based on interpretation method. It includes an embedded source-level debugger and supports MMU for Linux and XtratuM. laysim-DBT is a GUI-based high-performance and cycle-approximate processor emulator with dynamic binary translation method. All laysim support Windows and Linux platform. Also the CLI (command line interface) versions are also provided especially for RTEMS5 testsuites, and its performance is more higher than the GUI version of laysim. Our satellite simulators, KOMPSAT-FSS (flight software simulator), are constructed with laysim, and they were used as the formal simulator for FSW development and verification, and as the ground operation simulators.
You can download a presentation material about laysim & KOMPSAT-FSS to help you understand laysim. (Download Overall KOMPSAT-FSS & laysim)
Features of laysim
1. Supported Processors
laysim supports the ERC32, AT697F, LEON3, UT700, GR712RC (dual core) and GR740 (quad core) processors individually.
2. laysim Performance
The performance of laysim-LEON3 (laysim-leon3/laysim-leon3-dbt) was measured in comparison to TSIM2-LEON3 v2.0.24 and RTEMS5-SIS using Dhrystone which was compiled with BCC-2.1.0 on Intel i7-6700K @4GHz. laysim-leon3-dbt shows outstanding performance. Detailed information can be found in laysim-LEON3-PRO User's Manual.
3. Embedded Source Level Debugger
laysim includes the embedded source-level debugger, so it is possible to debug the LEON3 applications without GDB.
4. Supports Various GRLIB's Device Models
laysim supports various GRLIB's device models and KARI's device models according to processor configurations.
1) laysim-GR712RC B1553BRM
2) laysim-GR740 GRSpW Router
5. Multi Core Emulations
laysim-LEON3-MP-PRO and laysim-gr740 support the emulation of multicores. So it is possible to run RTEMS5-SMP, XtratuM-SMP, AIR hypervisor, PikeOS and Linux-SMP on them.

6. Integration to Satellite Simulator
laysim can be easily integrated into the satellite simulator, and below figures are the KOMPSAT-6 FSS and the architecture of KOMPSAT-6 FSS.
Download laysim-GR740, laysim-GR712RC and laysim-UT700
laysim-GR740, laysim-GR712RC and laysim-UT700 with user's manual can be downloaded from Download article.
Limitation of the evaluation version of laysim
For many years, flight software (FSW) has been developed and verified using the software test bed (STB) environment based on the real hardware in KARI. During the development of FSW on the STB, we have experienced lots of annoying problems such as delayed deliver of target hardware, limited concurrent access to the STB from software engineers, and the time and cost to create multiple STBs for different satellites. Thus, software-based satellite simulators have been developed from the beginning of a satellite project to avoid these issues.
The software-based simulator enables the FSW to be developed concurrently with the satellite hardware from the initial phase of a project. It simulates the on-board computer (OBC), I/O modules, avionics and payloads. It can easily be deployed and adapted when changing hardware configurations and supports debugging and testing of the FSW. Moreover, the FSW can be loaded into a simulator without any modifications and tested faster than when using the real hardware. The processor emulator is one of the essential parts in a satellite simulator, emulating guest processors such as the ERC32 and LEON2/3, the most dominant processors in space applications.
laysim is the our processor emulator which I've developed since 2005. It supports the ERC32, AT697F, LEON3, UT700, GR712RC (dual core) and GR740 (quad core) processors individually. laysim consists of two types of emulators; laysim-interpreter and laysim-DBT. laysim-interpreter is a GUI-based cycle-accurate emulator for processors based on interpretation method. It includes an embedded source-level debugger and supports MMU for Linux and XtratuM. laysim-DBT is a GUI-based high-performance and cycle-approximate processor emulator with dynamic binary translation method. All laysim support Windows and Linux platform. Also the CLI (command line interface) versions are also provided especially for RTEMS5 testsuites, and its performance is more higher than the GUI version of laysim. Our satellite simulators, KOMPSAT-FSS (flight software simulator), are constructed with laysim, and they were used as the formal simulator for FSW development and verification, and as the ground operation simulators.
You can download a presentation material about laysim & KOMPSAT-FSS to help you understand laysim. (Download Overall KOMPSAT-FSS & laysim)
Features of laysim
1. Supported Processors
laysim supports the ERC32, AT697F, LEON3, UT700, GR712RC (dual core) and GR740 (quad core) processors individually.
2. laysim Performance
The performance of laysim-LEON3 (laysim-leon3/laysim-leon3-dbt) was measured in comparison to TSIM2-LEON3 v2.0.24 and RTEMS5-SIS using Dhrystone which was compiled with BCC-2.1.0 on Intel i7-6700K @4GHz. laysim-leon3-dbt shows outstanding performance. Detailed information can be found in laysim-LEON3-PRO User's Manual.
laysim includes the embedded source-level debugger, so it is possible to debug the LEON3 applications without GDB.
4. Supports Various GRLIB's Device Models
laysim supports various GRLIB's device models and KARI's device models according to processor configurations.
1) laysim-GR712RC B1553BRM
2) laysim-GR740 GRSpW Router
5. Multi Core Emulations
laysim-LEON3-MP-PRO and laysim-gr740 support the emulation of multicores. So it is possible to run RTEMS5-SMP, XtratuM-SMP, AIR hypervisor, PikeOS and Linux-SMP on them.

6. Integration to Satellite Simulator
laysim can be easily integrated into the satellite simulator, and below figures are the KOMPSAT-6 FSS and the architecture of KOMPSAT-6 FSS.
Download laysim-GR740, laysim-GR712RC and laysim-UT700
laysim-GR740, laysim-GR712RC and laysim-UT700 with user's manual can be downloaded from Download article.
Limitation of the evaluation version of laysim
The evaluation version of laysim does not have any execution limitation except acquiring 1 year free license as described in user's manual Chapter 2.2.
In order to get the full version of laysim or support another architecture, please contact me (
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