GDB and Code Coverage Support in laysim-GR740

laysim-GR740 v1.6 supports GDB and code coverage. Detailed information can be found in [laysim-GR740-012] Debugging with GDB on laysim-GR740 and [laysim-GR740-013] Code Coverage Operation on laysim-GR740.

1. GDB Support

The CLI version of laysim-GR740 supports debugging with GDB. When attached to GDB, laysim-GR740 acts as a remote GDB target. laysim-GR740 supports the extended-remote protocol or remote protocol of GDB, and it can be connected to a GDB front-end such as DDD or Eclipse.

2. Code Coverage

The CLI version of laysim-gr740 and the perf version of laysim-gr740-dbt/mdbt support for the code coverage in the same format as TSIM3-LEON4. 

1) Code Coverage with COVOAR

The coverage analysis tool which is called covoar has been developed as part of the RTEMS project to analyze the coverage of the testsuite created to test the RTEMS OS. Covoar is broadly applicable for the development of embedded system application.

It is possible to use covoar for code coverage with BCC-2.2.0 from Gaisler or another tool-chains.

2) Code Coverage with GCOV

Gcov is a source code coverage analysis and statement-by-statement profiling tool. Gcov generates exact counts of the number of times each statement in a program is executed and annotates source code to add instrumentation.


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